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Grab a pen and paper because this one’s a good one, we’re talking about how to save money and make money for financial independence.

Disclaimer before we jump in: I am not a financial planner. I am purely sharing with you my experiences, opinions and the way I do things. I’m not telling you how I manage my money or the way I invest is right for you. I encourage you to do your own research and do what’s best for you.




The Course I Mentioned:

Get 2 FREE Lessons:


The 2 Books I Mentioned:

Money – Master The Game by Tony Robbins:

The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker –


The Allocation Of Your Income (from the book The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind):

50% necessities (bills, rent/mortgage)

10% financial freedom (used for investing into things that will provide a return)

10% long-term spending/savings (used for things to inspire you)

10% education (invest into yourself e.g. books, seminars)

10% play (money to splurge before your next pay)

10% give (charity)


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