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Ever been bored with life? I have been….. just recently in fact. Every day was pretty much exactly the same.

Work, food, TV and aimlessly scrolling on my phone for hours.

I was bored out of my mind and felt like I was stuck in a rut. That was, until I pulled myself out of it.

Let me share with you what I did.




# 1. Journal

The reason why I say journaling is because I journal in a problem solving manner. To do this, you ask yourself a question, such as ‘why am I so bored?’ and then you allow your brain to go into solution mode.

The secret is to not stop writing. Everything you think, you write down. You’ll start to find that you will begin to answer your question and then you can ask another one, such as ‘what can I do about this?’ and then bam; you answer your own question again.


# 2. Have A Goal

So this happened to me recently. I felt so stuck in my life and when I sat down to determine why I felt that way, it’s because I wasn’t really focused on an end goal.

I’m a rather driven person and like to be organised (who guessed) so if my daily actions aren’t working towards a bigger goal then they feel pointless to me.

I literally felt like my life was wasting away cause every day it was the exact same thing.

Scrolling on Facebook, watching Netflix, eating and doing nothing!

It wasn’t until I refocused on my goal and put a plan in place that I started waking up excited again.



# 3. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Again, this relates to my recent stuck in a rut period of my life. The reason why I wasn’t working towards a goal was because I knew I had to do a few things to re-focus, which I knew would be uncomfortable.

I had to step out of my comfort zone and I tell ya, it’s worth it. Half the time it’s actually worse by sitting on the thought of what you need to do vs just doing it.

So go out & have those awkward conversations, do what you need to do no matter how scary it may seem.



# 4. Jazz Up Your Current Routine

Look at what you currently do and switch it up.

Do you eat at the same time everyday? Freak out the family and change up the time.

Do you eat out at the same restaurants? How about driving in the opposite direction and finding a new place to eat at.



# 5. Gratitude

Normally when we’re feeling a little low or unmotivated, we seem to take advantage of what we do have in life. So incorporating some gratitude into your life will help immensely.

Just the fact you’ve woken up that day is a blessing in itself.

When you start to focus on the positive in your life, the law of attraction will bring more of that to you.


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