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Are you or are you not willing to make a decision today.


What decision I bet you’re wondering?


The decision to let go of the person you think you are, based on your past experiences and actually step into who you truly are.


Who you’re meant to be!


Today it is time to let go of the fear that is inside you. I know you beat yourself up mentally. I know you look at your past experiences and wonder whether it’ll always be that way.


You wonder whether it’s even worth fighting for anymore because you’re just going to fail anyway.


But TODAY, you have the power to make a choice!


Decide that you are no longer going to let your prior decisions or experiences impact the person you’re meant to be.


Decide that you are going to step into your power and be the amazing person you’ve always thought you were meant to be deep down.


Decide that you will take actions towards your dreams every day regardless of how you’re feeling.


Decide to say goodbye to those inner voices that tell you you’re not good enough…. It’s all lies!


Today is the day!


Today is the day!


Today is the day!


Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start living the life that you want. No one else can do this for you. It’s YOU that has to step up and make a choice.


Are you sick of it yet?


Are you tired of it yet?


Are you angry enough yet?


Yes? Good!


Because hitting that rock bottom will allow you to take control and rise back to the top where you belong.




Using your past as an excuse will no longer be acceptable. You have the power within to change it once and for all.


You are powerful.

You are amazing.

You are smart.

You are loved.

You are driven.

You are going to have it all.

You are deserving.

You are grateful.

You are going to be happy.


I think you’ve held yourself back long enough…. NO MORE!


Who are you suppose to be?


Answer me in detail…even if it’s inside your own head.


Take a moment, close your eyes and ask it…. ‘Who am I suppose to be?’


The answer will be given to you cause you deep down, even if you don’t acknowledge it, you KNOW exactly who you’re suppose to be.


So why are you preventing yourself? Why are you not already that person?


Don’t wait any longer, MAKE A DECISION TODAY that you are going to step up no matter what.




Leave me a comment below and let me know if today is your day and feel free to share with those who you think will also receive value.


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Text or Whatsapp Me: +61 421 526 139
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